Yves Chouinard is an amateur artist. Amateur in the noble sense of the term (a person who pursues an art or science for sheer pleasure and not as a profession. Le Petit Robert).

It all began in the winter of 1986. Along with several of his college peers, they had innocently decided to participate in the snow sculpture contest organized by the municipality of Ville St-Laurent. He no longer remembers what the first prize they won consisted of, but in addition to the first prize, they received an invitation to participate in the provincial snow sculpture competition at the Fête des neiges de Montréal the following year. This kicked off many years of snow sculpture competitions that took them all over Quebec, Canada, and even France.

In 2000, Yves Chouinard became interested in modeling live models. Studying the human body, the machine, but also the soul. Capturing a fleeting movement, glimpsing an expression, guessing an emotion, a personality, and fixing it all, forever. It's fascinating.

More recently, in 2012, during a trip to the East Coast of the United States, friends introduced him to a highly talented sculptor, Chris Williams, who practices his art with metals. In a short time with him, he managed to ignite the Spark in Yves. Thus, he embarked on this path. His first project in steel is "Dragon." A large-scale project that paves the way for a plethora of other projects jostling in his mind to come to life.